Architecture is an ever-changing art form that requires constant research and innovation to maintain the cutting edge of design and technology for the client.
The design solution evolves from a balance of aesthetics, technology, economics, and functional relationships.
Design should exploit all constraints to become advantages rather than disadvantages.
A home should be a servant to the owner, and the owner not a servant to the home. It also should be an expression of the owner’s personality.
Quality remains long after the budget has been forgotten; however, good design need not be expensive design.
It is Thomas Strat’s philosophy that architecture is an ever changing living art, and is the expression of the client’s needs, personal life style and the design style.
The art of architecture is the creation of forms through a sequence of experiences. This, augmented by the changing shadows of the day develops the ever changing architectural living art. Night lighting, color, and landscaping, are elements that can be of paramount importance to the creation of the architectural living art.